Saturday, July 6, 2013

Car racing games


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The 3d Racing Games of 2013

With current consoles closing and the next crop just around, this is shaping out to be most exciting for our gaming industry. According to reports, the quality of new releases is much better too. Highlighted below are racing games 2012.

Dirt Showdown

Dirt Showdown is on the list of racing games 2012.
Code-masters kept this active for about 15 years. But with Dirt Showdown, they've found new avenues-namely destruction derby! Yes, you heard that right! Dirt showdown takes away lap-time emphasis and checkered flag. It focuses on wrecking as many cars as you can! It's intriguing and interesting. Will Dirt fans greet this spin-off warmly or not?

F1 2013

In racing games 2012, do you look at less wrecks and more realism? Code-masters have that covered with F1 simulation. F1 2012 is scheduled to debut all over the globe, and the company' is promoting utility of this product as a substitute for being a Formula One race car driver! You can check out the trailer below to see more, as members of the Code-masters hit world tracks with interviews to get firsthand actual racers acknowledging they've used F1 gaming as practicing lessons and studying various tracks before racing on these in their real F1 machines! Serious training here folks!

Sonic Stars Racing
In racing games 2012, on the kart-games side…racing category, we have two biggies in the coming year, the first being SEGA's Sonic sequel. The new part refers to characters' cars having abilities to shape-shift part of the way through races, morphing into airplanes or speedboats. In certain areas there was a recall of Diddy Kong and Mario Kart no. 7.  Sumo Digital, the designers, put unique spins on the sea, air and land combination racing. Their efforts will be minutely checked out after launch.
Little Big…Planet Karting

Little Big…Planet Karting, is a Sony franchise, now putting Sackboy in as driver.

Planet Karting is handled by the people who brought us Mod-Nation. They’re bringing best elements of Mod-Nation plus LBP together. Grappling hooks are a new element introduced and merged into racing action creating the Sackboy adventure spirit! It's one invention everyone looks forward to view and enjoy! So there it is folks. This is how racing games 2012 seems to be shaping up to. The names of these racing games 2012 are Dirt Showdown, F1 2012, Forza Horizon, Little Big…Planet Karting, Most Wanted, Ridge Rider, Sonic and WRC